Sinking islands lost to Climate Change inaction

12-05-2007 Agence France-Presse NUSA DUA, Indonesia – As the world tries to hammer out a future plan to tackle climate change, tiny islands say it is too late — their homes and histories are disappearing under the rising sea. Dressed in traditional grass and rattan skirts, the islanders used music, song and slide shows to tell their story to a tearful audience in a luxury hotel on the Indonesian island. . . CONTINUE

Early 1980s: Better Gas Mileage, Greater Security, a Stronger Economy

By ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR. It has become clear to most Americans that maintaining our national security will require reducing our dependence on foreign oil. But Republicans are using the current crisis to push through a reckless energy agenda, including drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, that will not improve America’s security. Even the conservative Cato Institute has called President Bush’s claim that Arctic oil would reduce gas. . . CONTINUE

Far North Feels Worst Effects of Warming

By BETH DUFF-BROWN Associated Press Writer, April 15 2007 IQALUIT, Nunavut — Inuit hunters are falling through thinning ice and dying. Dolphins are being spotted for the first time. There’s not enough snow to build igloos for shelter during hunts. As scientists work to establish the impact of global warming, explorers and hunters slogging across northern Canada and the Arctic ice cap on sled and foot are describing the realities. . . CONTINUE

Global-Warming Deniers: A Well-Funded (ExxonMobil) Machine

Resisting Change: Global Warming Deniers The Truth About Denial The denial here is documented, exposed. In China it is incredible! (see previous post) By Sharon Begley, Newsweek, Aug. 13, 2007 Sen. Barbara Boxer had been chair of the Senate’s Environment Committee for less than a month when the verdict landed last February. “Warming of the climate system is unequivocal,” concluded a report by 600 scientists from governments, academia, green groups. . . CONTINUE

Tesla Biography

updated 2024-09-09 Nikola Tesla Greatest Electrical Engineer of all time Nikola Tesla, “the father of robotics” Nikola Tesla, “the father of physics” Einstein was still theorizing aether after Tesla had already started accessing it to power machinery. “Our entire mass communication system is based on Tesla’s system,” Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla – by Marc Seifer Tesla’s IQ is estimated at between 160 and 310. born at. . . CONTINUE

Climate change a major military issue

By William H. McMichael – Staff writer Posted : Monday Apr 16, 2007 18:15:24 EDT Global warming isn’t often thought of as a matter of interest for the U.S. military. But it should be, an advisory board of 11 retired flag officers concluded in a report issued Monday under the auspices of the Center for Naval Analyses, a non-profit national security analysis group. Climate change is happening, the blue-ribbon panel. . . CONTINUE

Creeping Dead Zones – on sea and ocean floors

NASA – March 29, 2007 “Dead zones” in this context are areas where the bottom water (the water at the sea floor) is anoxic – meaning that it has very low (or completely zero) concentrations of dissolved oxygen. These dead zones are occurring in many areas along the coasts of major continents, and they are spreading over larger areas of the sea floor. Because very few organisms can tolerate the. . . CONTINUE

Bush admin. Memos Tell Officials to lie about the Climate

By ANDREW C. REVKIN Published: March 8, 2007 “This sure sounds like a Soviet-style directive to me” – a former Interior Department official in the Clinton administration. Internal memorandums circulated in the Alaskan division of the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service appear to require government biologists or other employees traveling in countries around the Arctic not to discuss climate change, polar bears or sea ice if they are not designated. . . CONTINUE

The Royal Society vs. Exxons Lies about climate change

September 20, 2006, Posted by Teresa The Royal Society — the world’s oldest learned society — has publicly taken on Exxon. Just so you know: this is the first time in the Royal Society’s 364 years that they’ve done something like this. Britain’s leading scientists have challenged the US oil company ExxonMobil to stop funding groups that attempt to undermine the scientific consensus on climate change. In an unprecedented step,. . . CONTINUE

Pres. Bush lies about pollution study

Natural Resources Defense Council health threats posed by a toxic chemical used in rocket fuel and explosives January 10, 2005: The Bush White House, the Defense Department and industry collaborated in a backroom campaign to manipulate a National Academy of Sciences report on health threats posed by a toxic chemical used in rocket fuel and explosives, according to documents obtained by NRDC. The NAS report, ordered by the Bush administration,. . . CONTINUE

Coal fires are ‘Global Catastrophe’

BBC News Wednesday, 3 November, 2004 130-year-old Chinese fire put out A fire that broke out more than 100 years ago at a Chinese coalfield has finally been extinguished, reports say. In the last four years, firefighters have spent $12m in efforts to put out the flames at Liuhuanggou colliery, near Urumqi in Xinjiang province. While ablaze, the fire burned up an estimated 1.8m tons of coal every year, according. . . CONTINUE

Our Health at Risk

updated 01-29-2011 Crimes Against Nature, a book by Robert F. Kennedy How George W. Bush and His Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy It is a book for both Democrats and Republicans, people like the traditionally conservative farmers and fishermen Kennedy represents in lawsuits against polluters. “Without exception,” he writes, “these people see the current administration as the greatest threat not just to their livelihoods but. . . CONTINUE